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Our family loves all varieties of nuts and values the distinct tastes, flavors, textures, and aromas of each type of nut. We believe that when you buy nuts, they should always be fresh and of superior quality so that you can enjoy them to the fullest.

Types of Nuts

As you can imagine, we keep our nut department well-stocked with every kind of nut. You can even buy bulk nuts by the case at wholesale prices. All nuts are a good source of nutrients, and depending on your preference, you can toss them over salads, use them in recipes, or just snack on them straight out of the bag.

Grab a handful of almonds to munch on between meals or toss them over a salad for a boost of protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Or try almond flour to make some scrumptious baked goodies. Pound for pound, almonds are the most nutrient dense of all tree nuts.

We always catch my dad snacking on cashews. Fortunately, the good news here is that cashews are loaded with fiber and protein.

And keep in mind that peanuts are not just meant for the ball games. They pack seven grams of protein per serving, and are a good source of antioxidants and B-complex vitamins, so feel free to enjoy them anytime!

Brazil nuts are unique with their high selenium content, whose antioxidant properties protect against heart disease, cancer, and aging. If you’ve never tried these, it’s not too late, as we sell brazil nuts in the shell and raw or roasted out of the shell. I love munching on pistachios, and amazingly, pistachio nuts are packed with fiber.

About our Dried Fruits

Hopefully by now you realize that is “More than Just Nuts,” and also includes a wide assortment of dried fruits and then some. These specialty food products are perfect for snacks, as well as ingredients for gourmet cooking and baking.

From dried banana chips to dried cherries to crystallized ginger and other exotic flavors, our dried fruit selection is tantalizing. And the best part about it is that you can eat dried fruits year round, as they are always “in season.”Whether it be savoring our succulent medjool dates , snacking on our dried blueberries or dried cranberries , cooking or baking with our sun dried tomatoes , we are certain you will love the quality of our dried fruits. And don’t forget to try goji berries for a dose of antioxidants, or prunesdried apricots, and organic coconut for fiber.

About our Snacks & Trail Mixes

Perfect for any party or just to have snacks easily on hand, our snack and trail mixes are hearty handfuls. Try a twist on classic peanuts with our hot & spicy cajun flavored or wasabi peanuts. Pop corn nutsfried green peas and wasabi peas one at a time. Savor our lightly salted snack sticks and more exotic mixes. If you like simple, healthy snacks, give sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds for a whirl. Going on an adventure? Take along a trail mix - try our extreme trail mixpower trail mixroyal mix or healthy trail mix for an added energy boost.

About Our Chocolates, Candy, and Sweets

We have a huge selection of treats that will delight any sweet tooth! Candy buffet, anyone? Incorporate candy by color into your celebration. And if you need a break from the sugar rush, choose healthy dried fruit for a sweet snack (or candy fruit slices - we won’t tell).

We’ve got a wide selection of old time candy and candy classics, including gummy bearssalt water taffy, and lemon drops. Coordinate candy with your wedding colors using sixletsJordan almonds, and other sweets! And, if you’re looking for some candy magic, consider munching on our Turkish delight.