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This webpage contains affiliate links. We may earn commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this webpage. For more information, please read our Affiliate Disclaimer Policy. is an online retailer of e-books and e-readers. The company was founded in 2009 in Toronto, Canada, and has since become one of the leading e-book sellers in the world.

 Kobo offers a wide range of e-books in various genres, including fiction, non-fiction, biographies, textbooks, and more. In addition, Kobo offers a line of e-readers that are designed to provide an optimal reading experience for its customers. In this review, we will explore the different features and aspects of and give our overall impressions of the site and its services.

Website Design and User Experience has a sleek and modern website design that is easy to navigate. The homepage is well-organized and provides users with quick access to the different categories of e-books that are available. The search bar is prominently displayed, allowing users to quickly find the e-books they are looking for. 

Additionally, has a blog that provides book reviews, author interviews, and other book-related content. This adds value to the user experience and shows that Kobo is committed to providing more than just an e-book store.

E-Book Selection and Pricing offers a vast selection of e-books in various genres, making it easy for users to find the book they are looking for. The prices of e-books on are generally competitive with other e-book retailers. However, Kobo does offer occasional discounts and promotions, which can make their prices even more attractive.

Additionally, Kobo offers a subscription service called Kobo Plus, which provides users with access to a wide selection of e-books for a monthly fee. This service can be a great value for frequent readers.

E-Reader Devices

Kobo offers a line of e-reader devices that are designed to provide an optimal reading experience for users. These devices come in various sizes and models, each with its own unique features. The Kobo devices are known for their high resolution screens, long battery life, and lightweight design. Additionally, Kobo e-readers support a wide range of e-book formats, including EPUB, PDF, and MOBI. This means that users can purchase e-books from other retailers and read them on their Kobo device.

Customer Support offers customer support through a variety of channels, including email, phone, and live chat. The support team is knowledgeable and responsive, and they are always willing to help customers with any issues they may have. Additionally, Kobo offers a comprehensive help center that provides users with answers to frequently asked questions and troubleshooting guides.


Overall, is an excellent e-book retailer that offers a wide selection of e-books, competitive prices, and a line of high-quality e-reader devices. The website design is modern and user-friendly, and the customer support team is responsive and helpful. Kobo Plus subscription service is also a great value for frequent readers. If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy e-book retailer, is definitely worth checking out.