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Welcome to, the online marketplace government initiative by Dubai Economy and Tourism.

At DubaiStore, our primary focus is to promote the businesses of Dubai and their products, and to be an official destination for customers to explore Dubai’s market. We aim to give our customers a worry-free buying experience, that’s why all the merchants selling on our platform are registered companies with trade licenses under Dubai Economy and Tourism.

Health & Beauty
Full visibility of merchants’ information! gives customers visibility of the companies they are buying from. That’s why for each listed product, you can see the merchants’ information such as company logo, company name and businesses description. Website users can communicate with merchants through our communication center for any inquiries they may have about their products.

Baby & Toys is operated by Digital Economy Solutions LLC, a joint venture company between Dubai Economy and Tourism and Emaratech.

About Dubai Economy and Tourism: the government body entrusted to set and drive the economic agenda of the emirate of Dubai, UAE. Dubai Economy and Tourism supports the structural transformation of Dubai into a diversified, innovative service-based economy that aims to improve the business environment and accelerate productivity growth.


About Emaratech: part of the Investment Corporation of Dubai (, Emaratech is a leading technology solutions and consulting company in the Arab world. Emaratech delivers key organizational and business intelligence services enabling governments and organizations to operate efficiently and effectively. If you are a resident of Dubai, Emaratech has seamlessly touched your daily life through its systems for the GDRFA (Dubai visas and residency), smart corridors and eye-scan in Dubai International Airport, Land Department, Zajel Courier Service and Noqodi Online Payment Gateway.