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Our Story

Launched in 2005, the revolutionary Original Detangler solved a universal problem - liberating hair from the pain and strain of tangles. Overnight, the hair experience was transformed for all ages and hair types - and this problem-solving philosophy has inspired our broad range of innovative, technology-forward hair products.

Championed by pros from the outset, Wet Brush was quickly adopted by their clients - igniting a global craze and a loyal consumer base. This organic multi-generational community continues to grow through a genuine love of our brushes, the exceptional experience and result of using them, and their trend-forward colors, prints, and limited-edition collections.

From solving the struggle of detangling, we’ve gone on to create solutions to endless hair challenges - and it’s this dedication to revolutionizing the hair experience that continues to drive us.

What we stand for


We simplify and take the stress out of everyday hair routines with problem-solving essentials that are enjoyable, effective and easy-to-use.


We’ve transformed and elevated the hair experience for all by pushing the boundaries of what is expected and possible from hair product.


We’ve revolutionized the hair experience with industry-first products that combine innovative technology and sustainable materials with out-of-the-box thinking.


Our products are for everyone - all ages, genders, and races are represented and celebrated. From stylists and hair lovers, to everyday consumers, our inclusive community comes together through a shared love of the Wet Brush experience.