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At Urban Skin Rx, we believe everyone can have beautiful skin. As the Even Tone Experts, we create clinical skincare that supports all complexions in achieving their healthiest, even tone skin.

Changing the Skincare Game

From day one, Urban Skin Rx has been an advocate for skin of color in the skincare and aesthetic industry. Rachel Roff, our founder and CEO, has been passionate about providing safe, effective treatments for melanin-rich skin since she entered the industry. As a Licensed Aesthetician, she founded a medspa in Charlotte, North Carolina focused on the number one skin concern for people of color: hyperpigmentation. At the time, it was the only medspa of its kind in focus and scale.

Urban Skin Rx was founded for one reason: to bring Rachel’s hyperpigmentation and skincare expertise for deeper skin tones to the mass market. Our passion and mission continues to be making clinical, effective skincare more accessible to people around the world. goal was to bring more inclusivity to the skincare industry especially for the consumer with melanin rich skin. That responsibility goes beyond creating innovative products and solutions, but also to be a firm advocate and ally for important social and racial injustice issues that those whom we serve face every day.

As I celebrate the past 10 years, I also look to the future with a firm commitment to recognize, represent and advocate for accessible clinical skincare for diverse skin tones so that we can create a world in which we can all feel beautiful, confident and empowered by the skin we're in.

Love Your Skin

Beyond formulating results-driven skincare products for melanated skin, we want to help shape the future of professional skincare. So every year, we offer a full scholarship for an aspiring aesthetician of color and mentorship from Rachel with our BIPOC Aesthetician Scholarship and Mentorship Program. Since 2019, there have been three graduates from the program.