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The Most Beautiful Things on Earth®

1stDibs is a leading online marketplace for extraordinary design. Since 2000, we have captured the magic of the Paris

flea market, connecting those seeking the most beautiful things on earth with highly coveted sellers and makers in

vintage, antique and contemporary furniture, home décor, art, fine jewelry, watches and fashion.

How We Work

1stDibs is a one-of-a-kind online marketplace that connects design lovers to more than one million extraordinary pieces, from furniture and fine art to jewelry and fashion. We feature listings from a worldwide network of trusted sellers, each of whom has been thoroughly vetted by our in-house experts. Our best-in-class platform allows shoppers to buy directly, negotiate a price or bid on items at auction and enables them to interact with sellers throughout all stages of the transaction — including item inquiries, price negotiations and customization requests.

Why Shop 1stDibs?

It’s a Place for Discovery

An eclectic, high-quality collection of more than a million pieces allows for endless browsing possibilities.

We Curate Weekly

Thousands of new items are added to the site each week, and our team of experts handpicks the finest to showcase.

Our Sellers Are Trusted

We work with prestigious sellers around the world who are respected professionals in their fields. Learn more here.

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Our dedicated specialists will answer your questions and assist with order-related needs.

The 1stDibs Promise

A Price-Match Guarantee, comprehensive Buyer Protection, trusted global delivery and more are part of the 1stDibs Promise.

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Furniture Creators

Jewerly & Watch Creator

Fashion Designer

How to Shop 1stDibs

We are a design marketplace that enables shoppers to discover beautiful things and interact with top sellers from around the world. Shoppers can make purchases directly, negotiate a price or place bids on items at auction.

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Save favorite searches, and receive emails with shopping suggestions, promotions, editors’ picks and more. To enjoy these features on the go, download the 1stDibs app here. If you’re a design professional, we encourage you to sign up for our Trade 1st Program to enjoy exclusive pricing and benefits.