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About us

Founded by Trinny Woodall from her kitchen table in 2017, Trinny London was born with one goal in mind – to give everyone the tools to be their best. With inspiring innovation and a motto to rethink your routine, we’re proud of our global expansion and are now one of Europe’s fastest-growing beauty brands.


Achieve your skin goals with our award-winning skincare collection. From nourishing cleansers to energising moisturisers, our effortless staples transform how you look and feel. To find the perfect routine personalised to your skin, complete your Match2Me

Our story

Super-charged by 20+ years of experience in the fashion and beauty world, Trinny Woodall founded Trinny London with an important mission – to offer effortless, personalised beauty to people of all ages.

Highly active on social media, Trinny shares her warm, authentic and witty advice daily – whether it’s makeup application or business guidance. She encourages people to evolve, by inspiring and entertaining them in a language that resonates with how they’re feeling.

Product innovation

Product innovation is at the heart of our business and our mission is to offer effortless, personalised beauty for people of all ages.

We launched with our iconic stack – cream-based, multitasking little pots of joy that click seamlessly together – and Match2Me, our innovative personalisation tool. Our next move was skincare – highly effective formulations that transform how people look and feel about their skin, and consequently about themselves.

All Makeup

From skincare-makeup hybrids to the perfect highlighter, shop our collection of cream-based confidence-boosters and build your bespoke stack

What’s a skincare-makeup hybrid?

Traditional makeup formulas, such as concealer and foundation, don’t always have additional ingredients that care for your skin – that’s where our skincare-makeup hybrids are different. Our innovative formulations are developed with highly active skincare ingredients to help address any specific skin concerns you might have, such as dullness or dehydration.